FFMpeg & x264 compile for using with Android NDK on Mac OSX

1. Toolchain for compile (This NDK version is r8)
a. Android’s NDK allows we to create toolchain installation using “make-standalone-toolchain.sh” script.
b. Execute like below.
$> $NDK/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh –platform=android-14 –install-dir=/work/my-android-toolchain
c. You can use directly with PATH, CC setting.
export PATH=/work/my-android-toolchain/bin:$PATH
export CC=arm-linux-androideabi-gcc
d. Done

2. Compile & Build x264 project for FFMpeg library.
a. Download x264 project (http://www.videolan.org/developers/x264.html)
b. Configuration for arm compile. (prefix option is very important for FFMpeg compiling.)
$> ./configure –host=arm-linux \
–cross-prefix=arm-linux-androideabi- \
–enable-shared \
–enable-static \
c. make / install
$> make
$> make install
d. Done. You can find the library & include files in –prefix option’s directory.

3. Compile & Build FFMpeg project.
a. Download FFMpeg source code from http://ffmpeg.org/download.html (This case is FFmpeg 0.10.3 “Freedom” version)
b. Configuration for arm compile.
$> ./configure –enable-shared \
–enable-libx264 \
–cross-prefix=arm-linux-androideabi- \
–enable-cross-compile \
–target-os=linux \
–arch=arm \
–enable-gpl \
c. Configuration for detailed module selection.
$> ./configure –prefix=../ffmpeg_build \
–enable-gpl \
–enable-shared \
–disable-doc \
–disable-ffmpeg \
–disable-ffplay \
–disable-ffprobe \
–disable-ffserver \
–disable-avdevice \
–disable-debug \
–disable-network \
–disable-protocols \
–disable-devices \
–disable-encoders \
–disable-decoders \
–disable-muxers \
–disable-demuxers \
–disable-parsers \
–disable-bsfs \
–disable-filters \
–enable-encoder=h264 \
–enable-libx264 \
–extra-cflags=-U__STRICT_ANSI__ \
–target-os=linux \
–extra-cflags=”-fno-short-enums” \
–extra-ldflags=”-mandroid -lm” \
–enable-cross-compile \
–cross-prefix=arm-linux-androideabi- \
d. Make
$> make

e. Make install

$> make install

f. Done. You can see the library and header in ../ffmepg_build directory (in the prefix option)

About bongjaemoon

Skilled software developer in a various programming languages ranging from assembler to object oriented languages including C, C++, C#, Java, Pascal BASIC etc. and various script languages like SQL, html, php, python and perl. Also familiar with hardware and and low level hardware interface. Specially, I have many experiences for develop the mobile application with Open Platforms of Symbian 6.0, Windows Mobile 6.5, Bada 2.0, Android, iOS. And many closed internal platform includes (SamsungMobile, Samsung TV platform and SonyEricsson Internal Mobile Platform)
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6 Responses to FFMpeg & x264 compile for using with Android NDK on Mac OSX

  1. mehmet says:

    Hello there,

    Very nice tutorial, just what I needed. Did you perform this on Mac using Linux or MacOsX?

  2. mehmet kerim says:

    I have tried your build script for x264, however i am getting an error which basically says all the options are unknown and there is no c compiler found. Any ideas about that would be brilliant

    • bongjaemoon says:

      May I know the error message for detail?

      • mehmet kerim says:

        Thank you for your answer. I have started to build ffmpeg and x264 this week and i am pretty inexperienced when it comes to script writing,therefore i think i am missing some basic stuff.

        Toolchain builds well but when i try to configure x264 with the code piece you have provided, i get the following error.

        Unknown option –host=arm-linux, ignored
        Unknown option –cross-prefix=arm-linux-androideabi-, ignored
        Unknown option –enable-shared, ignored
        Unknown option –enable-static, ignored
        Unknown option –prefix=/work/my-android-toolchain/sysroot/usr, ignored
        No working C compiler found.

        I have been trying another build script for x264. using http://demo860.blogspot.co.uk/2010/06/ffmpeg-libx264-build-for-android.html this website. I get no errors related to unknown options but still facing the c compiler error. I have updated build-essentials both with apt-get and aptitude, I know they are up to date but c compiler doesnot want to be found apparently. Also, I have downloaded ndk 4 for the above tutorial since toolchain differences might cause some problems.

        Thanks again for you answer.


      • mehmet kerim says:

        Actually, by correcting the syntax I have managed to get rid of the errors except no working c compiler found part. Build essentials is installed and up to date. I can’t seem to find the erroneous part.

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